August 26, 2004

PR 3 message board, every page text link ads, 353 indexed by Google is selling every page text links to no more than 5 education or language related sites. At the moment there are 353 pages indexed by Google, but that number will increase. Pricing as follows:

>500 pages indexed by Google = $20/month
500 - 699 pages indexed by Google = $25/month
700 - 999 pages indexed by Google = $30/month
1,000 + pages indexed by Google = $35/month

This way you know what you'll be charged as the forum grows. Page Rank should increase as well, but no charge for that. Regarding traffic - I'm averaging about 100 impressions/day with Google adsense but this should increase dramatically in September (school starts). Of course I can't tell you the exact CTR, but it seems to be quite good so you should see some traffic from these ads. Ads will be placed near the bottom, under the adsense. For an additional $10/month I'll put your ad near the top, just under the banner/ navigation. I won't sell more than 5 external links. You can lock in a low monthly rate by paying for a full year (pay for 12 months and you pay 20/month regardless of how much the forum grows). Contact for more information.

Posted by James Trotta at August 26, 2004 1:22 PM

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