April 14, 2006

How many bars on Commission Junction do you have?

I was recently rejected by an affiliate program on Comission Junction immediately after applying. I emailed them and asked them to review my site manually. They declined:

CitiConsumer Cards has very strict parameters they use to review affiliate applications. One of those parameters requires all affiliates to have a CJ network ranking of 4 or 5 bars. Your networking ranking is at 2 bars. Please feel free to apply at a later date for CitiConsumer cards if your account reaches that 4-5 bar ranking.
I suppose they do this to keep out the bad sites, but not checking my site out personally is costing them. I'm certain that they'd get a number of signups if I were to promote them on my travel blog. I suppose it's costing me as well but I'm sure I'll find otheer travel-related credit card affiliate programs to experiement with.

Posted by James Trotta at April 14, 2006 3:03 AM

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